In Support of the Freedom to Vote Act
You may have read that the Freedom to Vote Act, national legislation to combat voter suppression (placing barriers to voting which often discriminate against certain groups such as African-Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, young voters and disabled voters) and electoral subversion (laws that intend to overturn election results by empowering partisan politicians over professional and competent election administrators in counting votes and certifying results) was prevented from being passed by Republicans in the senate. Unfortunately, due to the senate filibuster rules there is no chance it will pass the senate without a reform or carve out of the filibuster rules.
An excellent analysis of the Freedom to Vote Act is contained in a recent online article by the Center for American Progress. It clearly explains how this law “would counteract state laws that undermine elections”. It is a great read and an important educational tool for voters who believe in free, fair and easy elections for all.
After you read it, you may want to contact your senator to voice your support for the bill. Our democracy depends on it.
Before you contact your senator be sure to review the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act if you agree that potential voter suppression laws should be pre-cleared by the Attorney General of the United States or the U.S. District Court in D.C. Then you need to call or email your senator to support this additional important piece of legislation that honors American voting rights and civil rights hero John Lewis. Your senator works for you. Tell her/him your opinions. NOW.